If you would like to purchase this painting for 50 GBP please email me. Or the sketch for 15 GBP.
Friday, 30 January 2009
Doodle 6" x 6' Oil
Barack Obama 10" x 10" Oil
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Hot 18" x 24" Oil

If you would like to purchase this painting for 100 GBP please email me.
Thursday, 22 January 2009
So much for my intention of not getting distracted by the internet. I have just revisited David Larson Evans and spent an emotional, delightful hour exploring his blog. His portraits are outstanding, in fact everything is so full of life and movement and I think is a statement of David's joy of living and painting. Check out Red Slide, which had me mesmerised, and his portrait of Andy Warhol stopped me in my tracks!
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Bedtime Too 20" x 30" x 2 Acrylic

I think my malaise springs from the fact that we have sold our house and so we are in limbo. We don't have a moving date yet and I am loathe to start packing until we have. You would think that having the painting to do would take my mind off it. Not me, I am excited and want it to happen NOW, and I cannot concentrate. Will keep you posted.
If you would like to purchase these paintings for 200 GBP each, or 350 GBP for the pair, please email me.
Saturday, 17 January 2009
Roy 26" x 18" Oil

I have been worrying lately about pricing, in the present economic climate. It is very tempting to put prices down, alongside houses and cars, etc, all the luxury items really, but buying artwork, I think, is something very low on the list for most people. I have decided, though, that to put my prices down would be unfair to those customers who have paid a lot of money for one of my works. I would be interested to know what you think about this issue?
If you would like to purchase this painting for 300 GBP please email me.
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Roy 26"x 18" Oil WIP

I found out today that my painting 'Asleep' ( at least they think it was that one!) won the prize for Best in Show, at the Hertford Art Society Annual Members Show. This prize is a legacy from a very exuberant past member and is voted for by the members. I am so proud of myself. Here is the painting again, for those of you who missed it.
Thanks for your visit, happy painting everyone.
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
Roy 26" x 18" Oil WIP
I had nothing to paint on, anyway, so I found an old canvas board with a rubbish painting on it, and painted the whole thing over with a sloopy grey mix. Normally I would wait for that to dry before painting on it, but by now I was getting the buzz. I pinned a photo of Roy to the wall and off I went. I had about an hour before it got dark and I didn't want to stop. I have never started a painting on a wet surface before, but I shall do so again. Another revelation!
Saturday, 10 January 2009
I forgot to tell you of my revelation yesterday. As usual I started fussing with details, so I moved my reference photo to the wall of my studio, about 3 feet away, instead of having it adjacent to my canvas. Well, you can't dot the 'i's and cross the 't's if you can't see the 'i's and the 't's!
Friday, 9 January 2009
Me Again 10" x 10" Oil
Not quite what I had in mind, but nothing turns out as expected or intended. But you have to go with the flow.........or not, as happened today. I must remember to put paint on the brush, or you scrape off what is already there!
If you would like to purchase this painting for 70GBP (unless otherwise stated) please email me.
Thursday, 8 January 2009
Me Again 10" x 10" Oil WIP

Well, it's not a bad likeness, but it is a mess! I hope I can salvage something tomorrow!
The problem with me is that I spend half of most mornings looking at what other people are doing. I watch David Darrow, Carole Marine, Susan Carlin, Duane Keiser et al, and think "I can do that". Well I can't! I have learned a lot about the technicalities, warm and cool colours, mediums, grounds, brushes etc, etc and I am very grateful to all those folks. But I am so easily distracted from finding my own way, and I am getting nowhere fast.
So, I have decided, that for two weeks I am not going to look on the internet, or at any of my books and paint portraits without the distractions. Watch this space!
All comments gratefully appreciated.
Jan 16" x 20" Oil Finished
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Jan 16" x 20" Oil
Your comments would be very welcome. Thanks fo your visit.
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