Wednesday 25 March 2009

New Blog

I have started a new blog today, called Front Page, where I shall be posting a face a day from the news of the day. I need to improve my portraits and I feel the way to go is to practise every day. Good drawing is the foundation of any painting and I know that if I do more I shall get better. I have exhausted family and friends and thought the news would provide an endless variety of faces and also add further interest.
My aim is to get brilliant and in demand! It will be very interesting to look back at this a year from now and see the benefits ( or not!).


FitFoodieMegha said...

You will definitely be benefited.All the best for your new blog. I went through i also...Its gonna be a master piece...:)

Ramesh Jhawar said...

Hi Sharon!I've tagged you for the Painting for Passion Award.Please visit my blog for details...

Galya said...

Hello Sharon,
I chose your blog for a Passion from Painting Award. Please check out my post of March 31 at