Friday, 27 February 2009

A Quiet Moment Charcoal

Today I am so frustrated that oil paint will just not behave as I wish! So I got back to my comfort zone. Out with the charcoal and boy, oh, boy did I enjoy that!
It's good to be comfortable, and OK for a break, but where is the excitement in that?
Have a good weekend and happy painting!

If you would like to purchase this drawing for 45 GBP please email me.

Thursday, 26 February 2009

Untitled WIP + Not So Sunny Hunny 10" x 10" Oil

I have been arm wrestling! Or rather struggling with this foreshortened arm for two days. Do you think the thumb is too big? I am also undecided about what colour to paint the 'door'. I want to leave it white, but instinct tells me it would be dark, even if the colour is white. We shall see.
I gave myself a break yesterday and painted something else.

This from a photo taken in Hunstanton during the summer. Makes a change from reading the Sunday papers in the garden, I guess.

Happy painting.

Monday, 23 February 2009

Saturday, 21 February 2009

Untitled 18" x 19" Oil WIP

I spent most of Thursday looking through my reference material, searching inspiration and a non personal image to paint for a show at Easter. I found this, and I was away!
I was trying very hard to use brush loads of paint, as you know not my usual style. Consequently, I got in a muddy mess! I 'tonked' it three times already! It will very likely turn out fine, but John Singer Sargent, I ain't. I wish!
I shall be needing a title for this, folks, any ideas?
Thanks for your visit, I hope it was enjoyable? Please add any comment, I would love to know what you think about any of my stuff.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Nana 10" x 10" Oil

Meet my maternal grandmother, who I miss dreadfully. She lost her husband in WW2 and brought up two children on her own. She was strong and very capable and presented a stern face to the world. She kept her feelings to herself and had an opinion on everything. She has my undying devotion and admiration, for her care of me in some difficult times. She always understood.

I had to get to the studio and slap some paint around, yesterday! Brushes, fingers and kitchen roll came into play here!

If you would like to purchase this painting for 70GBP (unless otherwise stated) please email me.

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Happy Birthday,Bill + Chris

These drawings are for a friend of mine, in celebration of the boys' birthdays. I determined I would do nothing else until they were done, because I had been putting them off. Normally a drawing like this would take an afternoon, but I still procrastinated, finding the washing up more exciting! I felt miserable, not painting, and it probably would have been better to have done both. Trouble is, the bread and butter stuff always gets put on the back burner until the deadline looms.
If you would like a drawing like this, for someone special in your life, please email me for prices.

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Sharon Elaine

I didn't get to HAS life drawing on Saturday, so I have been sorting some old drawings to post on my Sharon Elaine blog instead. Go check it out here, please. But look what I found, a self portrait that I had completely forgotten about! Nice solid drawing, but grim looking woman, or what!