Friday 29 May 2009

Christopher 20" x 20" Oil WIP

So, here is Christopher, using the same colours and washy paint as with Becca. I am hoping to unify the paintings by also using the background to link them. No idea how, yet!

And here they are , together.


Arti said...

great style, lovely paintings..

Caio Fern said...

hi Sharon , thank you for visit my blog and for the commentaries , it means a lot for me.
i told you already that i love your paintings and this special feeling you make me feel with the colors ( it is unique ) , now i was reading , and the way you talk about your models , subjects , is very tender and nice too .
thank you .

David Larson Evans said...

These are very nice and If your like me it probably has crossed your mind to stop here. I can;t wait to see the outcome.