At last, Andrew is finished, although I can see things not right, so maybe I shall fiddle some more. And that is what I did....fiddled and fiddled and fiddled. I even got a magnifying glass out at one point! This was a struggle. And as usual, it is nothing like my initial vision for the painting. The photograph is a problem to start with, because of the flash.
Dave Darrow is so right, you have to have good reference material. Also, Andrew is smiling, which is always difficult to portray so that it doesn't look 'pasted on' or like a grimace. It would have made a better painting, too, if I hadn't slavishly painted the shrug, as it doesn't quite read right, so maybe I will alter that.
Having said that, I am not blaming my tools, as the most difficult aspect was the emotional one.
I have found it extremely valuable, because I can now look at pictures of Andrew without feeling bad immediately. I can smile and laugh at the good times, of which there were far more than bad times.
OK enough waffling!
I have a show to prepare for, framing, labelling, etc., so no painting today probably, but it is HAS life drawing tomorrow so be sure to check out
my other blog next week.
Have a good weekend, and thanks for dropping in.