Sunday, 29 June 2008

Feet Oil 61/2" x 7"

Life drawing again on Saturday, at HAS, where I produced this. Had a brilliant day! I think this pose was so enjoyable because it was so complicated. Love those feet!

Lyn is such a good model and very freindly and amenable, and has a lovely smile. Next time we are lucky enough to have her, I might concentrate on a portrait.

If you would like to purchase this painting for 70GBP please email me.

Thursday, 19 June 2008

Phone Call Oil 4.75" x 7.25"

A frequent sight, nowadays. Stop whatever you are doing and answer that phone! Well, it is a nice break from the shopping!

If you would like to purchase this painting for 40GBP (unless otherwise stated) please email me.

Monday, 16 June 2008

Mirror Image Oil 61/2" x 7"

I have spent two days on this, and I am still not happy! It is my own fault because I hurried the initial drawing and got it wrong. Well, you live and learn! I like the painting, but it doesn't look much like me, although perhaps a little bit of flattery is good for the soul.

If you would like to purchase this painting for 70 GBP please email me.

Thursday, 12 June 2008

Team Oils 30" x 42"

This is probably very boring for you, but I have done some more work to 'Team'. I challenge you to spot the difference, and then tell me if it benefits the painting or not? It finishes off the story, for me. Still a lot of fixing to do, though.

If you would like to purchase this painting for 2000 GBP, please email me.

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Katie Oil 14" x 13"

I have been internet-less for 4 weeks, so it is good to be back, it's like an old friend! Now, you would think that I would have about 28 paintings to post. Not so. I did find that without the incentive to post, I didn't do any small paintings. Shame on me. I have been working on a couple of larger ones which are not finished yet and I have decided not to post them until they are. Probably because they are not going according to plan!

Anyway, I finished this picture of Kate, yesterday. It was started at the last life drawing session at Hertford Art Society and after watching David R Darrow in the morning I thought I would have a go a la David. I very soon got fed up with being meticulous about every detail, the evidence of which can be seen on the right hand bottom corner of the painting. I have therefore discovered that I am a 'slap it on and hope for the best' merchant, which will have to stop if I want to achieve my goals.

If you would like to purchase this painting for 125GBP (unless otherwise stated) please email me.