Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Norwich Castle

Visited Norwich Castle today.......

 Where I saw some fabulous paintings in the exhibition 'Homage to Manet'

 Sir William Orpen
 Dame Laura Knight
Wilson Steer
John Singer Sargent
Transfixed by this one, 'The Black Brook' which I had not seen before. This reproduction was the best I could find quickly on www but it doesn't show how vibrant the colours are, how stunning the painting is in reality. What also took my attention were delightful graphite sketches of Madame X
Brilliant time in Norwich, topped off by fish and chips in Cromer!

1 comment:

martinealison said...

Bonjour chère amie,

Je vous remercie pour cette jolie promenade et visite de ce château de Norwich qui abrite des oeuvres sublimes.
Il est bon de passer du temps devant de tels chefs-d'oeuvres.
Gros bisous ♡