Wednesday, 17 September 2014

WA - Self Portrait



The girls kindly allowed me to show them how I start off  a portrait, in oils. None of them paint portraits and most of them are unfamiliar with oils, so....brave girls. 
I started by going through the basic proportions, eyes halfway between top and chin, nose halfway between eyes and chin, etc. I asked them to make an underpainting in one colour, paying attention to form, light and dark, shapes. I didn't do much of a demo, preferring to talk to folks about their own work and worries. I applaud every one for having a good go, and getting very close to a likeness. You would be able to match each girl with her portrait, which is a fantastic achievement for a first attempt. 
I had a good time, despite not usually liking to be in the spotlight, and finding it difficult to articulate my methods, but I am thrilled with the results. The girls enjoyed it too, and we even talked about 'next time'! 


Linda Roth said...

So the teaching opportunity came through. Fantastic! I tthink it's very difficult to verbalized how we tackle a portrait. I don't think I could do it; I don't have a set way to start. Each subject and reference suggests which start is best. good for you. I know you are thrilled.

martinealison said...


Une belle série de portraits...

☼ Gros bisous ☼